Friday, March 26, 2010

God's Faithfulness

“Be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold – though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise, glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world!”
1 Peter 1:6-7

This is the key verse for me during the last couple of days. I have to admit: I did not update the blog because I was very discouraged lately and almost lost hope in God's faithfulness and Hs Promises. I am going through the fires of purification of God, that make my faith genuine and that show me whether or not it can stand trials in my life by directing me to the Author and Finisher of our faith - Jesus Christ Himself!!

Since God spoke to me about my calling for this season, i.e. going to Egypt and to Israel, I realized that faith in God's calling for one's life and in His Lasting Promises is not a feeling of satisfaction, excitement and extasy. In fact, I learned that faith is not feeling at all! If I would consider my faith as my feelings I would already have quitted and went back home, to my old job and lifestyle, missing out on the goodness of God that Jesus has in store for me.

By the mercies and grace of God the Almighty Who sends trials in my life to purify my faith, I realized that Faith is a day-to-day commitment, both in word and in deed, to the Word of God. It is a walk in obedience to His calling and purpose. And though we can only see one step at a time ahead of us because the light is so dim, we k-n-o-w where to go, because God always speaks to us. the path of faith is never easy, joint with self-sacrifice and many trials, just like the walk of Jesus was. But the temporary sufferings of our lives in this world are truly nothing compared to the great and magnificent glory of God that will be revealed in all of His faithful saints on the Day of His Return! The word "faith-ful" means "filled with faith" - we eat and drink and sleep faith in God because we cannot rely on anything less.

As far as my calling goes, there are still many bridges to cross and many more Goliaths to defeat, but we are conquerors in all things through Him Who loves us SO MUCH!!! All glory to God through His Son, Jesus Christ! :)

Worship as a Lifestyle

When you hear the word "worship", what comes to mind? People standing in the church singing hymns? Two fast songs and one slow song? Everyone in the first two rows jumping, waving their hands, kneeling in passion and excitement?

That was my opinion on worship, until God began to speak to me about it. A few weeks ago we had a teaching on the concept of worship and that really changed my point of view on it. Look at the plea David in Psalm 38 - that is worship. Look at Paul and Sylas in prison (Acts 16), singing hymns of worship after they were severely beaten - thats worship! Look at Acts 2:43-47 where everyone in the Church sacrificed all they had for the sake of the Body of christ and even then everyone came to worship every day in the Temple! That is Worship!!!

Worship is a lifestyle, a life-long song to god in His Presence. We know that a human being becomes like whatever thing that he worships, be it Jesus, money, sport, sexual relations, addictions or anything else that is avalable. So when we focus on god as the center f our worship, when we are prepared to lay it all before Him and then kneel down and with tears in our eyes acknowledge that He is Lord, that is true worship that makes us Christ-like and brings a true transformation in our hearts! So let us worship God, not by the word of mouth, but by our acts and through our lifestyle, so that through whatever we do, the Glory of God can be revealed in our lives!