I am now back home with my family for a season.
It feels very weird... As if the past five months were not, because everything around me is the same, except the season! :) I am asking God to talk to me still, to help me preserve everything that I had learned from Him in Worcester. He is faithful and true - I know He will do that.
Because of the transition, I have somewhat retracted into my comfort zone here at Potch, which would be playing games and sleeping late. Like in the past, these things seem to get a hold of me. But yesterday I was called by the Holy Spirit to go outside and pray, early in the morning. the call was so loud and clear! I am extremly grateful that He did it, it not only equipped me for the day but also built me up spiritually, showing that the outside may look familiar and the same, but on the inside there is a new man, a big change!
I was already led by the Spirit to minister to three people - in 5 days only!! Sometimes I had to give a word of encouragement, sometimes I just sat and listened. God is in everything, His Love is amazingly generous! That day I felt so good being in the presence of God that I began to sing aloud at a stop street, worshiping and waiving my arms as the presence of God touched me. Once or twice the thought came that the local people and students were freaked out, but then I felt that it was a great opportunity to minister to people, even though they were just passing me in their cars. It's just me trying to explain why the Holy Spirit does what He does, it could be totally off...
I am looking forward to the next week, although possibly then my whole life for the next year will be determined. A few weeks ago, while still being in cape Town, we went to celebrate the 50th anniversary of YWAM. Loren and Darlene Cunningham, YWAM founders, were there too. Man, they are both over 70 but they look and talk and act as if they are 30!! Jesus, I pray that you will be with me when I am old, just like you are with them. Anyway, there and then I met a South African lady who was on her way to South Korea. God told me to give here a word of encouragement. Later on we spoke and I found out that she has friends in Western Cape who are committed to ministering in Ukraine for over 15 years now! She gave me their email and contact details and within a few days the people themselves contacted me and said they would love to meet me! I felt so special!!! Jesus, I am sure You will use this interesting opportunity for glorifying Your Name once again. I will need all the help I can get to undertake the transition that You called me to do later this year. Life is so exciting with God, wow!!
And so here I am, totally at God's mercy, without a knowledge of what I will be doing later in my life after I moved to Ukraine. But God is with me, His mighty Hand guides and will guide me at all times - and I never felt better!