This is just a short testimony of what God has done in my life while I am in a transition period in Potchefstroom, preparing to go to Ukraine.
I was on my way to print some digital photos in the mall. They told me I had to wait for about 15 minutes and I wondered what I could do with my spare time. The first thought that normally comes to my mind is praying, so I started talking to God. Then He directed me to the other side of the mall, to a Christian bookstore. I took the awesome idea, and went straight to the family counseling shelves, as this is where my missionary heart lies. :) Anyway, so I was browsing through the books, reading reviews and thinking about bits of information I got on some books' pages. Suddenly, two books had caught my attention. One was about a father-son relationship, and the other one about the mother-children relationship. I am neither, yet I felt like I had to get those books. The price was not too high, yet I am currently on a very strict budget and the expense would be totally unnecessary. Still, God said that I should get those books, so I did - it was His money after all! :)
Three days later I was a witness of two people fighting over their children and a relationship between the kids and themselves. Guess what?.. I was fully prepared for that, by God's grace. Since the family was Christian I took the opportunity and gave both the father and the mother a book that I believe God meant just for them! Now thats Providence!!
But wait ... there is more!!! A few days later one of my friends came to see me after we parted in January when I went to YWAM Worcester. He said he had a little present for me and gave me a sealed envelope. When I opened it, inside was the exact amount that I had spent on those two books! GOD YOU ARE AMAZING!!! :)
So my point is: obedience! Simple, straight-forward, no-questions-asked obedience to God and to His Holy Spirit and guidance within us. I believe that a first-hand experience of God's power in our lives is definitely linked to how much are we willing to obey God. So I challenge the reader to ask God for a trial of obedience and then... taste the fruits of it!!!
1 John 2
3 And we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments.
4 If someone claims, “I know God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth.
5 But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him.
6 Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.