Hello my dear friends! :)
The past week had been indescribable! I had experienced God like never before. Truly, if we think that we know or understand God in some way or another, He comes with a totally unexpected approach and shatters all our understanding to dust!
For those of you who heard bad stories about the "anointing" of the Holy Spirit: I am extremely skeptical and cautious when it comes to spiritual gifts and all sorts of manifestations. So last week I was praying a lot and always remained in the presence of God, making sure I am safe from lies or deception. Not to mention the Word of God which is in my right hand...
On Tuesday night our leaders were praying for us. So I just told God that if the fruits of these prayers are from Him that I welcome it with open arms because I would love to have more of Him. And then I began to laugh! It was not a bad laugh but I could not really stop! It felt like someone else was laughing inside of me! It was very funny and I felt so good! The authentic joy of God, the same feeling that I always experience in my quiet times when praying and talking to the Holy spirit, had now surrounded me in public and I just slid on the floor from my chair, laid on my back and enjoyed the feeling of heavenly bliss! Later on the laughing subsided but I was still giggling, for about another 2-3 hours! You all know that if e.g. someone would tell you a joke that you really liked then you would laugh at it long after you heard it. So it was with me, thank you Jesus!
Some of my friends got touched as well - and I know they were NOT faking it! It was very weird to see them laughing just like me for no reason at all. Another girl got deliverance - she was screaming and crying and grabbing onto another lady in the congregation and finally passed out. Later she told the whole YWAM that she was fighting for her life and it was dark and she was crying because she felt all the rejection and pain of her past coming down on her and she screamed for love. Later she said she felt Jesus reach out to her and remove her pain and she received peace. She is changing now before my eyes and I am very grateful to God! :)
I am also grateful for amazing people that God has placed in my life this season! They love me in a way that is very different from what I used to be loved before I came to YWAM - so I am still getting used to it. Today, for example, two of them simply came to sit with me for a minute just to say "Hello". I at once suspected that they want a favor or something from me - since it was the attitude of all people in my life before. Nobody ever came to sit with me for a few minutes simply because they wanted to sit with me. So I still freak out sometimes and it feels like I want to cry because it really touches me. This world here at YWAM is so much different from the circles I used to revolve in before. Here everyone spends time with everyone and is not ashamed to express their love and appreciation for each other. No manners, no limitations, no racism or prejudice - just open brotherly love of Christ! Really, you have to be a part of YWAM DTS to actually experience it!!!
This morning's church service was also fantastic. The pastor spoke about storms in our lives and said that they are normally not predictable so we always have to be ready for these. When such storm hits, a quick panic prayer probably will not be effective if you are not serious in your relationship with God. And while in the middle of a storm, we can't really do anything, except pray and hold on to Jesus, because He is the One Who can turn it all to the good of us who believe and trust Him. Oh, Jesus, I love you so much!!!
Oh yeah, before I forget... Last friday we went clubbing... at our YWAM base! And we danced with Gospel songs, WOW! It was ama-zing! Brazilian, Korean, English and many other songs and tunes were played that night! They even played some of the clubbing music that I really like! I was jumping and dancing for 2 solid hours 'till my knees began to hurt. Well, not just me - our whole DTS class!!! I can't believe they all like the same music I do - plus they LOVE dancing! I haven't even imagined that being a Christian can be so much fun! We had a great time here, thank be to God!!
God bless you all and let your life be a reflection of Jesus' life for all others!
Love, Dima.
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