The outreach is over... next week is the graduation day and then I am going home... Oh! I have somewhat mixed feelings about this season now... I am happy that a change in my life is coming, but at the same time I am sad because I don't want to leave the present ministry and people behind. The spiritual need Worcester and neighboring communities where we used to do the outreach is huge and I pray that God will send more workers for the harvest. Every time I come to any local school, I would see the beautiful vineyards, valleys and breathtaking mountains, and my heart would break because in the midst of this beautiful world of the Breede Valley there is an enormous poverty. There is addiction to drugs and alcohol. There is physical and sexual abuse - and the young children are all in the middle of it. I pray sincerely that the revival that began 150 years ago, will come again, that it will come in the hearts of all those who were reached by the Holy Spirit through us and our friends for the past 2 months.
Also I am planning to stay in South Africa for another 2 months, to finish up what I started in the past, i.e. to publish my MSc dissertation as well as to release the PC software for South African schools. I am also hoping to get some rest with my family - they are organizing a holiday for us in George!! I can't wait!!
Today was the International Prayer Day. I did not go to church: instead I made my own church today. Under a tree, at my favourite prayer spot! ;) I took some MP3 music on my laptop and then read from the book of Judges. Man, it was awesome! I realized again that just like in the case of Gideon, God uses small people with little abilities to bring about His purpose. Then all glory goes to Him and Him alone. Thats what He said to Gideon when He selected the warriors for the battle. He said that the number of soldiers should be MUCH less or else the Israelites will say that they themselves earned the victory and do not need God's miraculous help. This brought me back into the real time and I thought about Israeli people today. Yes, I do know that they are God's chosen people and that their land was restored 62 years ago from ashes because God prophecied it in Ezekiel 37 long ago. And God protects them today from all their enemies... but, it's all His grace! and no one should boast in that because God and God alone gets all the glory! But they are not giving any credit to God - on the contrary, they speak as if they are invincible and no harm can come to them because they are the best nation in the world. Well, if I read the prophecies, then I see that the state of Israel today is on its way to a very humbling experience - and all because of such words! Let's pray together that their eyes will be opened to their Messiah and that they will finally repent and give glory to the One who bought them from the slavery with His own Blood!
Since I went into politics now, let me make more prayer requests. Please pray for Europe and its people - that in the midst of the financial crisis they will seek and find the One true God who will be able to help them despite their problems. Please pray for the worls markets as they are beginnig to crumble again under a second wave of the financial crisis. Pray for the people of Mexican Gulf who are suffering the effects of the oil leak - let God provide in their spiritual and physical needs and let them take heart and have confidence in Jesus, the Beginning and the End.
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